Internal Controls
Internal Control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding achievement of objectives in the following areas of Effective operations, Reliability of financial reporting or Compliance with laws and regulations. Especially in large and distributed organizations, it is crucial to get an overview about whether internal controls are being applied properly. Furthermore, it is important to have an audit proof framework to see who submitted which controls at what time. colea can automate the process of collecting and consolidating the various checks of all subsidiaries of an organization.
Get the checks you need
colea helps you optimize your internal control processes and achieve your business goals.
Adjust questions / checklist
Continuous process improvement is a key priority for many businesses. At colea, we understand the importance of having the ability to easily adjust internal control checklists to reflect changes in your processes. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, enabling you to quickly and easily modify your checklists to fit your evolving needs.
Consume consolidated checks
Our platform provides a consolidated view of your checklists, enabling you to easily pinpoint any areas that require attention. With real-time visibility into your internal control processes, you can react quickly to address any issues and ensure that your operations run smoothly.